This is dance from Jolo, Sulu. Literally "Sua-sua"
means small orange plant and is the name of a courtship
dance and its accompanying song.
According to the Moros of the older generation, the
movements in this dance have been modified and modernized.
There is no doubt, however, that some parts are based on
typically old Moro dances.
Dancers sing as they perform the dance. The natives
often repeat the dance as many times as they like or until
they are made to stop. The song goes this way.
Music A.
Sua-ko; Sua-ko, yampa tia num
Sua-ko; Sua-ko, yampa tia num
Ah-Mag dahon pa unom unom
Ah-Mag dahon pa unom unom
Music B.
Bang ma-ka tum-tum panon
Bang ma-ka tum-tum panon
Ah atay ko mag ka gomon
Ah atay ko mag ka gomon
Music C.
Kan ka pilaran, cambia sara-ran
Di ka dua han, di ka imanan
Ah mag pe-pin-tas, ha-la-man
Ah mag pe-pin-tas, da koman
Music D.
Kan kapilaran-iman
My little orange tree I had planted,
With its six lovely green leaves,
Reminds me of her
Thus causing my heart to beat.
That loveliest beauty among the many,
That pretty one I cannot change,
Walking hurriedly along the street
Hand in hand with me
To that lovely beauty I lost my heart.
Literal translation of the song by
Lt. Alpad Arasad.
COSTUME: The dancers are dressed in typical Joloano
costume, an open fan in each hand.
MUSIC is divided into four parts: A, B, C and D.
COUNT: One, two to a measure.
FORMATION: This is danced by one couple but any number
may take part. The dancers hold the open fans with the second
and third fingers on one side towards the top, and the thumb,
fourth, and little fingers are under on the other side.
Partners stand opposite each other about eight feet apart,
the girl at the right side of her partner when facing the
SUA-SUA STEP. Point R (or L) in fourth in front (ct. 1),
slide forward with the toes of the same foot and put the weight
on the whole sole of the other foot. This step is used throughout
the dance.
ARM MOVEMENTS. With an open fan held in each hand hold
arms in second position or at shoulder level turn the hands (from
the wrists only) in a horizontal figure eight motion. It takes
two counts to complete a figure eight motion.
Music Introduction.
Partners walk to places, starting with the R foot. Take
one step for every count. The fans are held down at the sides..4 M
Music A.
Partners face each other.
(a) Meet to center by taking four "sua-sua" steps, starting
with the R foot. Arms as above moving continuously..4 M
(b) The girl continues moving forward by taking four "sua-sua"
steps while the boy moves backward to his original position
by taking four sua-sua steps backward. Both start with the
R foot.
Take the same arm movements.....................4 M
(c) Starting with the R foot, girl moves backward to her
proper place by taking eight "sua-sua" steps. The boy
takes the same steps moving forward, following closely.
Arm movements are the same..........................8 M
Music B.
(a) Partners face each other and join both hands with the
fans still open. Take four "sua-sua" steps clockwise,
starting with the R foot............................4 M
(b) Drop hands and both go to the center by taking four
"sua-sua" steps, the boy moving backward and the girl
forward. Do the same arm movements..................4 M
(c) Join both hands again and take four "sua-sua" steps moving
counterclockwise. Drop hands after the fourth step..4 M
(d) Take four "sua-sua" steps to boys place. The boy moves
backward, the girl forward, starting with the R foot, with
the same arm movements. Partners finish standing side by
side facing the direction of the original position of the
girl. The girl stands at the right side of the boy.
Music C.
Partners join outside hands and raise them overhead, join the
inside hands and hold them down at the back. The fans are still open.
(a) Starting with the outside foot, take four "sua-sua" steps
to the center. Drop hands at the end of the fourth step. (4 M)..4 M
(b) Partners stand with their right shoulders near each other.
Take four "sua-sua" steps moving clockwise. Do the same
arm movements......................................4 M
(c) Turn about and repeat (b) counterclockwise. Finish with
the girl standing at the right side, facing the original
place of the boy....................................4 M
(d) Join outside and inside hands as above. Repeat (a) moving
backward to girls place.............................4 M
Music D.
(a) With "sua-sua" or plain walking steps, the girl goes to
boys original place, arms hanging loosely at the sides as
she walks to the opposite side. The boy remains in the
girls place..........................................6 M
Music A, B, C.
Repeat the whole dance (figures I, II, III).............48 M
Music D.
(a) Starting with the outside foot, partners make a three-step
turn, by first turning under the arch of the front arms,
then under the rear arms.............................2 M
(b) Boy kneels on right, hands down at the sides with the
fans open. The girl stands in front of the boy. Right
arm in reverse "T" and left hand down at the side....4 M