This is a Moro wedding dance from Jolo, Sulu.
Its figures are based on the old, traditional Moro dances.
Some of the old people say that the name of this
dance is derived from the word "gandang" or "gandangan".
"Gandangan" is an instrument similar to the drum, cylindrical
in form and covered with goat's skin at both ends. It is
played by tapping the two ends with the hands. "Gandangan"
is the act of playing on the "gandang".
When the natives from Sulu perform this dance, no
definite number of steps, no sequence of figures, no lines
of direction, no particular feet and arm movements are
incorporated. The dance may be prolonged or shortened,
depending upon the ability and mood of the individual dancer.
For purposes of teaching, a figure sequence and a
definite number of steps are given here. These figures and
steps, as danced by four Moro dancers, were arranged in
the order described below.
The music was written by Lt. A. Buenaventura and
is based on Moro folk melodies.
COSTUME: The dancers are dressed in typical Joloano
costume and are barefoot.
MUSIC is divided into two parts: A and B. It is played
continuously until the dancers finish. The tempo
increases on the last figure or when the performers
are about to and the dance.
COUNT: one, two to a measure.
FORMATION: Partners stand side by side facing the
audience. They are about eight feet apart.
The girl stands at the right side of the boy.
I. Throughout the figure the knees are slightly bent and
turned a little outward. Slide R foot forward with toes
turned outward (ct. 1), step on the same foot (ct. 2).
Do this step L and R alternately. It should be a smooth
and easy movement, with no bobbing.
II. Shuffling steps with toes creeping forward little
by little. Put as many steps as possible in one
beat or measure.
III. Slide R toe in a semicircle across the L foot in
front (ct. 1), lower the heel of the same foot and
step on it (ct. 2). Continue this step with the L and
R crossing each other. The dancer is moving forward
with each step.
IV. With knees together and straight execute very fine
parallel tortillier steps to sideward right.
Start with toes pointed in front, feet flat on the floor.
Turn toes to sideward right, pivoting on the heels; raise heels
and turn them sideward right pivoting on the balls of the feet,
and so on.
Execute this step either to sideward left or right.
Put as many steps as possible in one count or measure.
Music Introduction.
(a) Starting with R foot, execute running steps to place.
Hands are held obliquely, backward-downward with palms
outward, fingers together and stiff. The girl enters
from the right and the boy from the left.
Place R foot across the L in front and bend the knees
slightly. The right hand is held in front with the finger tips
pointing towards the left and the palm facing front in level
with the eyes. The elbow is flexed. The left hand is held obliquely
backward-downward, elbow slightly flexed, fingers close together,
held stiffy with the palm down. The finger tips point inward.
This position is held at the last, long chord of the fourth
measure of the introduction...................................4 M
Music A.
(a) Do step I eight times, R and L alternately, clockwise.
With arms sideward at shoulder-level in a relaxed
position, move wrists up and down, hands waving up
and down at every movement, the fingers curling in
and stretching out................................8 M
(b) Turn right about and repeat (a) moving counter-
clockwise.........................................8 M
Music B.
Dancers face the audience.
(a) Starting with the R foot, execute step I eight times
moving forward.
Arms Movements.
Hold the right hand in front at the level of the eyes,
the left hand down and back, fingers stiff and close together
(except the thumb). Turn the right hand counterclockwise (from
the wrists only) and the left clockwise.
Take two counts for each turn of the hand.
Reverse the arm positions on every two counts. There
must be a flowing movement of the arms as they change from one
position to the other..........................................8 M
(b) Turn right about and repeat (a) going back to proper
places.............................................8 M
Music A.
Girls Part.
(a) Stand with R foot in third position in front. With
knees slightly bent turn around right, taking tiny
steps in place, both feet flat on floor, always in
third position. The body is inclined a little to
the right side.
Arms Movements.
The right hand is held in front at the level of the eyes,
palm facing front, elbow flexed. The left is held down at the back,
palm facing out. The fingers are close together (except the thumb).
Curl the fingers in and out, imitating the tail of a fish......2 M
(b) Repeat (a) turning to the left. Reverse position of the
feet and arms. Incline the body to the left side...2 M
(c) Repeat (a) and (b).................................4 M
(d) Repeat all (a, b, c)...............................8 M
Note: Letter (d) may be omitted if desired.
Boys Part.
(a) Starting with the R foot, execute step I eight times,
moving clockwise...................................8 M
(b) Repeat (a) counterclockwise........................8 M
Arms Movements.
As one arm is raised the other one is lowered. Raise the
forearm forward keeping the elbows close to the body. Flex the wrist
of the right hand downward, the palm facing front, fingers close
together. The left wrist is flexed upward, fingers tips pointing
up, palm facing front, fingers close together.
(a) Gradually raise the right forearm upward and lower
the left downward without changing the position of
the hands (cts. 1, 2, 3, 4)........................2 M
(b) Quickly change the position of the fingers (left pointing
downward, right upward). Gradually raise the left the
forearm up and lower the right. Palms always face front
(cts. 1, 2, 3, 4)..................................2 M
(c) Repeat (a) and (b).................................4 M
(d) Repeat all (a, b, c)...............................8 M
The hands may be brought closer together as they are raised
and lowered. The shoulders follow the movements of the arm.
Music B.
Partners face each other.
(a) Starting with R foot, execute step I eight times moving
diagonally forward right...........................4 M
(b) Turn right about and repeat (a) going back to places.4 M
(c) Repeat (a) and (b) going diagonally forward left...8 M
Arms Movements.
Repeat the arm movements of figure II. The forefinger and
thumb are almost touching each other, the other three fingers are
hyperextended and separated. The right and left arms are raised and
lowered alternately as in figure II...........................16 M
Music A.
(a) Starting with the R foot, execute steps II clockwise.8 M
(b) Turn right about and repeat (a) counterclockwise...8 M
Arms Movements.
(a) The arms are bent upward, hands level with the eyes,
palms facing front, fingers close together, the tips
of the third fingers of each hand almost touching each
other. Rotate the hands gradually turning the fingers
outward (away from each other), bringing the wrists
closer (4 cts.)....................................2 M
(b) Continue rotating the hands in and out, palms facing
front.............................................14 M
Music B.
Partners face the audience.
(a) Starting with the R foot, execute step III eight times
moving forward.
(b) Starting with the L foot, repeat (a) moving backward
to places..........................................8 M
(c) Repeat (a) with faster movement, one count for each
step, taking twp steps per measure.................4 M
(d) Repeat (c) going backward..........................4 M
Arms Movements.
Hold arms down at the back, palms of the hands facing out,
third fingers of each hand almost touching each other, fingers close
together and stiff.
(a) Open the arms gradually outward bringing them to the
front parallel to each other, the right hand above the
left, palms facing front...........................8 M
(b) Gradually bring the hands back to the starting
position...........................................8 M
Music A (First 8 M).
(c) Repeat (a) with a faster movement..................4 M
(d) Back to starting position..........................4 M
Music A (Last 8 M).
Girl faces the audience.
(a) Place R foot across the L in front. In this position
gradually bend the knees until almost kneeling on the
left...............................................4 M
(b) Slowly rise to standing position...................4 M
Music B (First 8 M).
(c) Turn left about and repeat (a) until almost kneeling on
the right..........................................4 M
(d) Repeat (b).........................................4 M
Arms Movements.
Arms sideward at shoulder level, elbows and hands relaxed.
Pull inward and push outward the right and left shoulders alternately
with the fingers curling in and stretching out as in figure I. (8 M
of Music A, 8 M of B).........................................16 M
Boys Part.
Repeat figure III (a) and (b).........................16 M
Music B (Last 6 M).
Partners face each other.
Partners execute step IV, the girl following the heavy lines
and the boy the dotted lines.
Put as many steps in a measure as possible. Take four counts
for each line of direction. Turn left at every change of direction.6 M
Arms Movements.
The arms are bent upward, hands in front of the face, palms
facing front, fingers pointed upward and close together, hands parallel
to each other. Gradually lower the finger tips to sideward right and
left alternately every four counts.............................6 M
Music B (Last two measures).
Partners run to the center to their proper places as in the
Formation. Hold the position as in Entrance (b)................2 M
Note: If an exit is desired, run around once and then off, taking
the same arm position as in Entrance (b) while running (2 M).